
Start the year off on the right foot!

A new year means new resolutions! The idea here is not to overwhelm yourself with new, unattainable goals, but to take stock of the past year and make the right changes for your well-being instead. If you haven’t had the chance to make your own resolutions, read on for our tips on starting the new year off right.

This is by far the most popular resolution, and whether you do it to lose weight or simply feel good, there’s no better time to MOVE!

To stay motivated, set realistic goals, ease those sweat sessions into your schedule gradually and remember: a nice, new workout outfit never hurts!

1. Under Armor Women’s Short Sleeve T-Shirt, Sports Experts, $79.99 /

2. Under Armor Women’s Training Tights, Sports Experts, $79.99

Did last year completely pass you by? That’s probably because you didn’t take the time to stop and…BREATHE! Just like training, it’s important to actively set aside time to relax: take a bath with a cup of tea, bundle up under the covers with a good book, head to a yoga class and more.

1. Magic Potion Tea, DAVIDsTEA, $19.96 for 100g /
2. Printed Yoga Mat in Pink, Decathlon, $35.00 / 
3. Endless Night by Agatha Christie, Archambault, $19.95

Put down your cell phone and ENJOY the moment with the people around you — your family and your friends. In fact, try this game at your next fondue dinner: place your mobile phones in a basket; the first one to give into the digital temptation has to host the next gathering!

1. Meat and Cheese Fondue Set, Stokes, $89,99 /
2. Manhattan Cocktail Glass, Stokes, $6.99 /

3. Cocktail Mixer, Stokes, $14.99 /

4. Element Mirror 20-Piece Set in Rose Gold, Stokes, $79.99

We always aim to please others, but sometimes it’s just as important to treat ourselves. Why not gift yourself a new ensemble that makes you feel good? Likewise, consider some fresh bedroom decor or a new haircut and beauty treatment! Book a session at one of our many beauty and wellness spots and show yourself some self-love!

1. Jute Rope Hanging Lamp, Kozy Boutique, $79.99 /
2. Cropped Zip Front Jacket, Dynamite, $59.95 / 
3. Purity Mask, Yves Rocher, $19.00